Feb 9, 2024

When car tires become worn down or damaged, they pose a safety threat to the driver. With this in mind, the following indications of wear and tear should prompt you to get new tires at Sapaugh Cadillac without delay. 

Excessively Old Tires

It’s a good idea to look up the maximum recommended age of your particular brand of tires. Then don’t use them beyond that time limit even if your tires appear in good shape. Tire rubber tends to degrade over time and lose its initial strength and pliability. Eventually, an aging tire becomes at risk of blowing out on the road.

You can usually find the manufacturing date of a tire printed on its sidewall. Most tires have a maximum recommended lifespan of six years, but for some, this limit can be as much as ten years. 

Overly Shallow Treads

Under the pressure of constant use, tire treads steadily wear down. As they do, the tread depths become shallower. However, treads are designed with deep voids to generate secure traction on road surfaces. If tire treads ever become 2/32 of an inch or shallower, they might lose this traction. Always replace tires when the treads reach 2/32 of an inch in depth.

You can check the treads of your tires using the penny test, whereby you insert a penny coin into the deepest part of the tread void. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, you know the treads are too shallow. Also, pay attention to the tire tread indicators: little rubber bars near the bottom of the tread voids. When these indicators become visible, it might be time for replacement tires. 

Uneven Tire Wear

Divers should do all they can to keep their tires as even as possible. Regular tire rotation usually helps with this, thereby extending the lifespan of the tires. However, if your tires become unevenly worn and rotation doesn’t help, you’ll probably need to replace them.

Visible External Damage

Any clear external damage to a tire will often mean it’s no longer safe to use. If you ever notice a bulge in the rubber, or a cut or embedded nail, it’s best to have a technician take a look right away. Excessive cracks can also threaten the structural integrity of a tire. 

Noise and Vibrations

Lastly, worn-out tires will often generate an excess of road noise and vibrations. If your car sounds or feels less quiet and smooth than usual, have a professional inspect your tires. You may need a new set. Have your tires repaired or replaced today at Sapaugh Cadillac. We serve the drivers of Herculaneum, MO, and the surrounding area with a broad range of top-notch Cadillac vehicles alongside courteous, personalized customer service.